Nutrition: Green power in Kiribati

Kioina ngkai e rangi ni kanganga aron kateimatoaan barantin te amwarake (3 kurubun amwarake) ChildFund Kiribati iai ana iango ni ibuobuoki ni kona ni katauraoi aroka are kona kona ni uniki ao man reke iai kanam ma am utu. Kabwanina ongoram inano ikai.

Our team is always coming up with ways to encourage people to grow and eat a healthy diet. Our nutrition brochure/booklet will be distributed to households in Betio and the vertical gardening competition was a smash hit. There will be more gardening competitions, so keep an eye on our Facebook page.

See below for some stories about healthy nutrition.

  • Local plants balance diet

    Read about Titaa, who uses native plants to supplement her family’s diet.

  • Vertical gardening

    Bantii Terabwena was one of the green-fingered participants in ChildFund Kiribati’s vertical gardening competition. We talked to him about his passion for gardening and asked for some gardening tips.

  • Eggs are eggcellent

    Science supports eggs as a healthy part of the diet.

  • Giving supports to mother’s of infants in Betio

    39 mothers of infants randomly selected in Betio to be part of ChildFund kiribati Nutrition campaign.